
  • Advances in Hair Loss Treatments

    OVERVIEW Hair loss can be very frustrating. When coping with this condition, you might feel like you will need to invest in wigs or hide your hair under a hat all day. But what if you could prevent hair loss or halt it in your tracks? This is the dream of many people dealing with hair loss and worried

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  • Hair Loss in Women

    OVERVIEW Hair loss in women occurs for a variety of reasons. Noticeable hair loss occurs when there is greater than the usual loss of hair that outpaces new hair growth. When men have hair loss, it’s typically associated with balding, but women usually have hair loss without going bald. Signs and Symptoms

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  • Laser Hair Reduction

    OVERVIEW If you're tired of routinely shaving, waxing, or plucking your unwanted hair, you may want to consider laser hair reduction. One of the most common cosmetic procedures performed by board-certified dermatologists. What is Laser Hair Reduction? Laser hair reduction is a standard cosmetic procedure

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