
  • Types of Chemical Peels & Which One is Right For You

    OVERVIEW Also known as chemoexfoliation, chemical peels are popular cosmetic procedures that exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. Depending on your aesthetic needs, chemical peels come in three main types: light, medium, or deep, with deeper chemical peels making use of stronger chemical agents to treat

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  • Types of Veins and Treatment Options

    OVERVIEW Appearing on your legs, both varicose veins and spider veins can not only affect your outward appearance, but their presence can also signify health problems in your body. A board-certified dermatologist can help—minimally invasive treatments are available to reduce or eliminate varicose and

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  • Ultrasound Exam

    Prenatal ultrasounds, often referred to as sonograms, are a remarkable and integral part of prenatal care, providing expectant parents with a window into the developmental journey of their unborn child. This article delves into the significance, types, and frequency of prenatal ultrasounds, offering

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  • Understanding Ovulation

    Embarking on the path to conception involves a complex interplay of physiological processes, and at the heart of this intricate dance is ovulation. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of ovulation, exploring its significance, the biological mechanisms at play, and critical factors that

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  • Uneven Skin Tone

    OVERVIEW Uneven skin tone happens when areas of your skin are lighter or darker than other parts. It affects your skin's overall pigmentation due to a pigment known as melanin. Disruption or damage to melanin-producing cells leads to changes in skin tone. Areas of patches that are darker have too much

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  • Unwanted Tattoos

    OVERVIEW Regret getting your last ink? You're not alone—according to WebMD, approximately 25% of people with tattoos experience regret after getting one. If you're looking for a way to remove your unwanted tattoo, talking to a board-certified dermatologist can help. Laser tattoo removal to remove tattoos

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  • Urinary Incontinence

    Urinary incontinence, a condition often veiled in silence and stigma, is more common than one might think. This involuntary loss of bladder control can manifest in various forms, impacting individuals of all ages and genders. Understanding the basics of urinary incontinence is the first step toward breaking

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  • Uterine Fibroids

    Embarking on an exploration of uterine fibroids invites us into the realm of a prevalent women's health concern that can affect various aspects of reproductive well-being. This article delves into the intricacies of uterine fibroids, unraveling their nature, potential causes, symptoms, and the diverse

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